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    K’doshim of the Sho’ah

    Six million of our fellow Jews were annihilated by the Nazis. These six million are six million k’doshim. Their memory is sacred and always will be.

    There are millions of survivors, Baruch HaShem. They’re also k’doshim, but in a different sense. A person can be a kadosh in the way they die. They can be k’doshim in the way they live.

    A Jew whose heart, mind and actions are upright and worthy is one of the k’doshim in the sense of Kiddush HaChayyim, which might be called living holiness.

    Amongst the Chassidic leaders there was one who was known as The Holy Jew. In a sense that’s what we all should try to be – Holy Jews who serve God and Judaism in their own right but also in loving memory of the k’doshim of the Sho’ah.

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