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    A national constitution – Ki Tetzei

    Parashat Ki Tetzei contains a large number of commandments, dealing with life and death, marriage and divorce, humans and animals, urban and agricultural life.

    In its own way it is a national constitution, showing that Judaism is interested in every aspect of personal and community life.

    The critics say that Judaism pokes its nose into too many things, but the Biblical answer is the verse, “Know Him in all your ways” – b’chol derachecha da’ehu (Proverbs 3:6).

    God must be the unseen partner in everything we do. Everything can be infused with meaning and quality if we say He is with us in all our thoughts and actions.

    Walking with God curbs our selfishness and desires; it limits our thoughts and deeds; but it enriches our lives. It is hard to live with God but harder still without Him.

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