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    Progeny & posterity – Tol’dot

    The sidra opens with the verse, “This is the progeny of Isaac the son of Abraham – Abraham begot Isaac” (Gen. 25:19).

    Since every word in the Torah is important, why tell us that Abraham begot Isaac when we already know that Isaac was the son of Abraham?

    Rashi explains that we not only need to know who was the father and who was the son, but that they looked like one another.

    When you see father and son (or mother and daughter) together, you see an uncanny likeness between parent and child.

    But once you get to know them you see that there are major differences between them. They each have their own personality, their own habits, their own approaches to life. There is a sameness – and a difference.

    No wonder there is a b’rachah, “Blessed are You who makes everyone different.”

    Each generation has its own problems and challenges. It’s great to learn from your parents’ example and apply it when you can, but don’t try to be a carbon copy of your parents.

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