The tale of Reb Ber
Reb Ber was an old man from White Russia who came to shule every day humming tunes from the davening and repeating the Yiddish for “While you are alive you have to live”.
Now we know what he meant: you might not know the exit date, but you have to keep going.
That’s this Pesach.
We don’t know when the crisis will end (it will).
In the meantime we have to say Baruch HaShem – thank you, God, for the things we did not always appreciate in the past…
God, while we are alive we are going to live, we will sing, we will think, we will read, we will talk to You.
Thank you, God, for the brains, talents and devotion of the medical profession and all the other heroes that look after us in so many ways.
Thank you, God, that You are there to love us and help us through.
Thank you, God, and have a Chag Same’ach!
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