The fruitful dialogue – Ki Tavo
The 26th chapter of D’varim tells us that when the first fruits are brought to the kohen a declaration must be said.
In those days we didn’t have all the meditations we have today to introduce the mitzvah we are performing such as putting on t’fillin or entering a sukkah. So it is a very special moment when we bring the first fruits and the Torah expects the moment to be put into words.
The Midrash says that when one makes this declaration he will want to add a few words of his own, assuring God how much he loves the Divine commandments and intends to fulfil every mitzvah.
The Midrash adds that a dialogue now develops. A voice comes from heaven and says, “Just as you have fulfilled this mitzvah this year, may you have the merit to observe it again next year and every year.”
The rabbis (e.g. Maimonides in his commentary on Mishnah Bikkurim) remark that the Torah declaration must be said even by a convert whose ancestors were not Israelites redeemed from Egypt, because the convert not only adopts Judaism but acquires Jewish ancestors and becomes one of the Jewish family.