Enemies & Obsessions – Rabbi Apple’s latest book
Enemies and Obsessions: More Memories and Musings (ISBN 9781496992239) presents Rabbi Apple’s reflections on his life, experiences, ideas and occasional battles.
The book is short, pithy and readable, and somewhat provocative.
Unlike the author’s earlier autobiographical adventure (To Be Continued), it does not follow any particular order, alphabetical, chronological or otherwise, but meanders through its subjects in a rather idiosyncratic manner.
We find out who he considers to be his enemies and what he identifies as his constant obsessions, and discover the lost opportunities which might have led his career along different paths.
The author is Australian and Jewish, and both strands figure largely in what he writes, but much of what he says has wider import and will be enjoyed by readers of all backgrounds and beliefs.
The softcover and ebook editions of Enemies and Obsessions: More Memories and Musings are available from Amazon.