Coming, ready or not…
This is Rosh HaShanah speaking. Remember me?
I stayed with you last year. I enjoyed my visit, but I think I may have caused you some embarrassment.
You did not seem to be quite ready. I did not really understand why since I let you know in advance when I was coming.
This is why I am sending this message today, to remind you that I will be there next week.
I would not want you not to have time to prepare for my arrival.
No, you do not need to worry about the spare room or extra food. I am not that kind of guest.
What I am is a presence – and an opportunity.
My presence brings awe, spirituality, inspiration; please prepare for me by sitting quietly by yourself, or walking somewhere quiet, and thinking about life, yourself, the past, the future.
I am also an opportunity – to identify your destination and plan your direction.
Please – don’t wait till I’m there. Be ready for me, and have a Shanah Tovah!