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    One child rule – Ask the Rabbi

    Q. I know that in China parents used to be punished if they had more than one child. Is there a Jewish view of this rule?

    A. Decidedly. We would have not the slightest thought of introducing a similar law in a Jewish country or community.

    Admittedly, the Chinese have a major problem of over-population, which we do not have. Our problem as Jews is the opposite – under-population.

    As far as we are concerned, the Torah clearly lays down the rule, “Be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. 1:28). The Talmud in Y’vamot (61) adds that this mitzvah applies both when a person is young and when they are old. Even someone who is divorced or widowed is duty-bound to marry again and hopefully to fulfil the commandment.

    When the Torah says, “It is not good for Adam to be alone” (Gen. 2:18), it does not only mean a young Adam but even a middle-aged or elderly one.

    A Jew who says, “One child or no children for me”, is not fulfilling Jewish law and teaching. A Jew who says, “There are so many people in China or India, so why should I add to the world population?” has his own Jewish problems to solve.

    It is not his task to sort out the Chinese or Indians.

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